Wednesday, August 25, 2010

first day of school

The last days of summer...

We have such great friends... not only do they invite us to have fun, summer adventures with them but they take and share such great pictures of all the good times!

For example, here are the boys at "Franklin Beach" last week...
(thanks Ann!)
Then they celebrated a friend's birthday at the lake and had another fantastic summer adventure in the sand, on the boat and being pulled on the tube!!!
(thanks Patti!)
Ahhh... but summer days never last.

School days have finally arrived and no one was as excited for
the first day of school this morning as Hamp!
(oh, may he always possess such enthusiasm for his education!)
After a brisk half-mile ride up to the school in cool morning temps (!) we got to see Dad ~ a.k.a. Principal Hightower ~ waiting for us at the front door!
It was a great first day back for Dad and Hamp...
... now Sam and I just have to figure out what kind of adventures we'll have while they're in school all day?!?! ☺


  1. I want Principal Hightower to be our Principal! How cool! Have a great school year Hamp. Sam, I can't wait to hear about your adventures. Have fun!

  2. Loved the post and had to do a double take of Hamp at the Franklin Beach... Can we say ABS of STEEL!? :) Wish I could go on an adventure with you and Sambo!
    Love you guys!
