The boys were terrific this morning!
They had a lovely, easy morning and were so excited to go to school. (Oh, I hope that can continue throughout the year!!!)
We walked the three blocks to the pre-school building where Hamp caught the bus - with friends, of course! - that took him up to the high school where his temporary 2nd grade classroom is.
He was so excited to see his friends and catch the bus that he never even turned around to wave goodbye! In fact, he was off before I knew it and the blurry photo below is the only shot I got of Hamp heading to school!
(his backpack is the splotch of green on the left!)
Fortunately, I have to go into Sam's classroom to sign him in... so I got to watch him run around and do a little happy dance about being at school with his buddies! I even managed to get a few of them to stand still long enough and smile for a picture!!!
What a great day! Looking forward to lots of stories and homework and fieldtrips and parties...