Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Our Thanksgiving week adventures were plentiful - and we were fortunate enough to share them with family!
I took so many moments throughout the week to feel grateful for all I had 
- health, family, food, work
but there were many specific reasons to be thankful this year....

I am thankful for my new nephew...
for being such a sweet, happy baby who sleeps well and travels well and eats well and lets his crazy cousins fawn all over him and get right in his face!

I am thankful for my sister-in-law...
for being such a good mother and aunt; for sitting all day at Steamboat patiently waiting for the rest of us to get our fill of the slopes; for helping Sammy play Apples To Apples(!); for helping me trim the tree and make my Christmas card; and for just being fun to be with!
I am thankful for my brother...
for driving his family 12 hours and 2 days (one-way!) out to see us; for bringing dessert; for getting our lift tickets; and most of all for playing with the boys and making them laugh!

I am thankful for my Dad...
for coming out to visit and bringing great new Georgia Tech gear for the boys to wear on game day (and for being a good sport on game day!); for indulging Hamp in a football game every time he asks; for staying up every night to play games (except the first night when he had to skip out on a rousing game of Headbandz!); and for taking us out to dinner!

I am thankful for my Mom...
for sending the turkey and the ham; for caring and holding and loving and entertaining all three grandsons; for helping me around the house with cleaning and decorating, and for being so easy and fun to be around!

I am thankful for my husband...
for hosting Thanksgiving this year; for skiing with his sons; for being our great tree hunter; and most of all for being so good to me and my family!

I am thankful for my sons...
for being funny, happy, sweet, adventurous, thoughtful and respectful little boys who love to play and laugh and who love their puppy and their family! ♥

I have so much to be thankful for... and I hope that I can remember year round to be full of gratitude for all of our adventures!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'll Tumble For Ya

Sam's activity this fall has been tumbling - a program officially titled Kids in Motion, which I'm sure is an apt label! - and he has really enjoyed his classes. For the end of the program, there was a tumbling "expo" for all the parents to see what their kids had been doing for six weeks...

showing off his backbend
and showing off his handstand (with a little help from coach...)
waiting his turn
What made it most fun was probably the fact that his best buddy Montey was in class, too!
So proud of our little tumbler...