Sunday, October 22, 2017

October - a portrait of inconsistency

On Monday morning, the 2nd of October we were graced with an inch or so of new snow! While it felt a little early in the year for snow, all the same thrill was there and the boys couldn't resist making a snowman.

And as we wrapped up that Monday with the sun shining and the temps somewhere in the high 50s - the snowman still stood, slowly melting in the yard and hanging on to his scarf knowing he didn't have much longer!

Two weeks later, we awoke to another light dusting of snow from the night's passing storm. It wasn't easy to get three bikes loaded on an icy, snow-skiffed car - but we were bound and determined to spend our only unscheduled fall Saturday (football & basketball games usually take precedence) on an adventure of some kind...

And sure enough, our afternoon mountain biking in Fruita proved just the adventure we needed!

But weather has not been the only paradox in our world this month...
Our dearest friend has begun treatment for breast cancer and the diagnosis shocked us all - she is young (not yet 40!), healthy, strong and incredibly positive. She is a beacon of joy to everyone she knows and a giver of knowledge, encouragement and baked goods. For her body to host such a dastardly disease feels like one of life's greatest injustices. But just like building a snowman and watching him fall in the same day, we plan to take this journey with our best friend and know that the sun will shine again soon...

Friday, October 6, 2017


Hamp eased into his first ever tackle football season with an air of confidence that made me proud - he had never put on pads and helmet before but wore them easily and played well in his short but successful season. He learned so much and loved every minute of it - from what I could tell! In the second to last game he even caught an interception that I am sure will be the hook that keeps him playing football in high school. At least he will be with a fantastic team of kids that play well together... 

When we weren't at football games in September, we stayed busy with all kinds of fun fall activities!

There was the annual outdoor classic movie:

An impromptu family hike in Palisade:

 a Sunday morning paddle on the lake:

 a charity golf tournament where this fabulous foursome took first place in the amateur flight:
(ummm.... we may have been the only team in that category!)

and a Homecoming Parade!!!
with Sam on a float for the upcoming musical production of Willy Wonka:

and Hamp on the float for the Junior High Football Team:

and that doesn't even mention the afternoons at the park, volunteering at the Meeker Classic, gymnastics practices in Craig twice a week and time spent with lots of good friends while the weather stays nice!

Sometimes, in the middle of the all the activity, I just have to stop and appreciate the moment: