Last weekend was busy - but so FUN!
Sam competed in his last HS track meet of the season and achieved personal records in pole vault and triple jump... it will be so great to watch how he grows in the sport over the next few years.
Hamp had his very last ever home Varsity baseball game - and played so well!
The Senior players were recognized after the games and I absolutely could not have been more proud of him for his dedication to the sport, his love for the team, and his positive attitude always!
And after a long day on the track and the diamond - both boys spent the evening on the stage!
MHS Drama produced a very funny murder-mystery play in which both boys hammed up their alibis...
It was also Hamp's very last High School drama production - after so many funny roles over the years! - and it was sweet to see him recognized for his love of being entertaining and making people laugh.
My heart was full - how wonderful to be able to see my boys work hard and participate in programs that they enjoy and see success!
And what made a fun-filled weekend EVEN better:
having Mojo come stay and cheer on the boys with me!