Sorry, for those you expecting to find a steamy review or titillating photo re-enactment of the latest, hottest book trilogy, you are about to be sorely disappointed.
This is, in fact about the actual color gray. And my kitchen.
my kitchen |
The only steam is from me boiling water for ramen noodles.
And unlike E.L. James' novels, my kitchen (for now!) is very, very clean!
No, this post is about how I finally got to paint my kitchen gray - the nice, calm, neutral color I was hoping for! It involved a lot of advice and input from friends and family to get where I needed to be with this color and in the end, it came down to compromise.
And I am putting this in writing:
I was wrong. My husband was right.
Gray would NOT have looked right in the living room.
That being said, I am so happy that it is in my kitchen, grateful that I didn't listen to all my friends & family who told me not to ask my husband and just go ahead and paint it anyway (!), and pleased that it turned out very nice indeed.
before... |
after! |
before... |
after! |
Now, we have to decide on the color for the living room....