Saturday, February 29, 2020

Friday ski day

We took advantage of the stars aligning for us to have the perfect big mountain ski day:
we are in between HS sports - so no meets, games, practices or events committed,  and a predicted perfect weather day. 
So Friday we bypassed our usual ‘local’ ski hill and went all the way to Vail for some pretty amazing skiing. It truly was an epic day of back bowls and blue skies. The skiing was great, but for me the best part was spending the day just the 3 of us and watching the boys ooh and ahh over Vail's vast terrain and gorgeous views.
Pictures don’t do it justice.... and we didn’t take very many as we were too busy skiing! 
We may hit up Sunlight for another fun ski day with friends, but yesterday definitely goes in the record books!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

JV Basketball

It was a good winter season of time in the gym.... and Hamp played some really great basektball!
He had a winning season with the JV team and most of all, loved playing with these guys.

If I knew more about the game I would report on some of Hamp's stats, what position he usually played, or maybe anything interesting about how this team played.
But all I can say (as his biggest fan!) is that I LOVE watching him play and I LOVE how much he enjoys being a part of the team. 

So while the Varsity team is still practicing for post-season tournament play, Hamp is enjoying his week off with some High School play rehearsal, some open gym for baseball, and a Friday ski day!

Friday, February 21, 2020


15 years ago, one dedicated Meeker High School science teacher and conservation enthusiast starting taking students on summer trips through a program called Ecology Project International. Trips have involved studying wildlife in Costa Rica, Belize, and the Sea of Cortez.

This summer, Hamp will get to be one of those students with a new leader who is equally as enthusiastic and happens to be a great friend, too! A small group of 8 MHS students have signed up to go to the Galapagos National Park for 2 weeks to study the island and marine wildlife.

In order to help pay for the trip, the group of parents and students involved hosted a fundraiser dinner in Meeker - including a silent auction and fun entertainment. The event was a huge success, in most part due to the generosity of our community and so many people who participated and donated. It was great to see the kids all help prepare, serve and clean up from the dinner and I think they all got a sense of just how lucky they are to be a part of something so exciting.

Hamp will be headed out on June 8th and I could not be more excited for him...
The Galapagos crew in front of one of the silent auction items - a helicopter flight!