We have had a full week of fun times and good friends...
First, there is Playschool. Sam goes to the high school twice a week for the home-ec class child care program. He loves it - gets to see many of his friends and is the oldest in the group, which has made a world of difference
from last year!
Anyway, there seems to be an established routine already for after class that consists of the 3-4 year olds running around the high school yard and then climbing into my car for a back seat "party"?!
One of the benefits of this program is that Sam has become very prolific in his artwork lately:
... and he has learned a new song.
When we weren't at the high school last week, we were at the elementary school helping Hamp's class color eggs for Easter! We did this, and it turned out pretty cool:
All ready for the weekend, we were fortunate enough to have dinner with some very dear (and very fun!) friends Friday night, but the real event was Saturday night when we went with "the girls" to see the high school drama production of Grease!
Don't they all look ready for a night at the theater?!
Finally, Sunday arrived and Hamp was, as always up bright and early (6:30 am?!) with an announcement that the Easter Bunny had indeed visited our house over the night!
Not only did E.B. leave a hand written note, nibble on some carrots, leave some fun items in their baskets and hide dozens of candy-filled eggs all over the house... but he even left a little something for me! yum...
The boys' favorite: the sport outfits - shorts and tops!