Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Spring break

Another amazing week in Mexico... all sand, sun, shore, sea, shells, shrimp and sunsets. (no sunburns!)


I could get used to these sunsets....

... and being with these people all the time!

Such a great, relaxing week - I wasn't quite ready to leave.
Until next time!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

my favorite season

As long as there is snow we are trying to play in it!

2 of our favorite ways are:

1) snowshoeing up the Marvine trail (road!) with friends to the winter yurt

And while gloriously clear sunny days are the best to hike in, this year we finally got to go on a night hike during February's full moon! SO cool....

2) ski days at Sunlight Mountain!!!

And while gloriously clear sunny days are the best to ski in, we had a few days this month where Sunlight did not live up to its name.

Of course, the very best part of ski Sundays is skiing with friends!