Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Mother's Day (Week!)

On Tuesday, I heard Sam's final Marimba performance...

On Thursday, I attended Hamp's final band performance...

On Friday, I celebrated the closing of our dear friends' restaurant and listened and danced and ate and drank and enjoyed being with all the fun people...

On Saturday, I watched Hamp play baseball at home while Sam & Gabe played at the park!

And on Sunday, I spent the morning on the lake with some of my favorite people...

... and then I enjoyed the afternoon with those people catching up and sharing stories and watching all the "kids" play!

So I feel like my role as a mother was celebrated all week.... from supporting my children in all of their favorite things (music, sports, playtime!) to supporting myself and all of my favorite things (music, water, playtime!).  

And as if all those fun adventures weren't enough to make it a stellar week... on the way home from the lake Sunday morning I got this:

Friday, May 18, 2018

April & May adventures

Ahhhhh.... spring.
I will not hesitate to tell anyone that it is my least favorite season.
Weather-wise it is frustrating: snow, sunshine, hail, rain, and wind... always wind.
However, I really should start to lighten up - because when else during the year can you do the following:

Saturday, March 31st Hamp's little league baseball opening games in Eagle where we enjoyed some sunshine and cool breeze.
Sunday, April 1st Sunlight's closing day where we enjoyed more sunshine and some pretty decent spring skiing - in tee shirts!
Friday, April 6th Hamp's season opener home track meet where we froze, but enjoyed watching his events - triple jump, long jump, shot-put and relay.

So within a week we squeezed in three really different, but excellent activities!
And our spring has not slowed down since then... it has been weekends full of track meets and baseball games and weeks full of practices. And despite the changing weather, we are happy to be busy doing what we love!

Ahhhhh... baseball!
Every year we look forward to the season with great excitement. It's one of Hamp's very favorite sports and he always has such a fun team of good kids to play with. But the past several years his team has not had much success. I hate to think that perhaps these guys peaked in the minor league (age 10!) but seriously, they have struggled to pull it together.

But just like spring, I need to lighten up instead of complaining about the obvious downside.
Despite their record, they get to play as a team and practice recovering from mistakes and learn how to make better throws and how to be smart about the game. They get a great hit one inning, and strike out the next... but they get back up to bat and cheer each other on regardless.
And every now and then I get to watch a baseball game in the sunshine!