Monday, March 30, 2020

Q - week 2

more snow.
more xbox.
more long walks.
more jigsaw puzzles.
more youtube, netflix, hulu and tik tok.
some yoga, music, crossword puzzles, baking, yard work, backyard games.
lots of down time...

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Q - week 1

So..... we are being responsible citizens and trying to keep ourselves either at home, or at least away from lots of people.
Thought I would document what a week at home
(with no sports or work or vacations or travel or movies or gyms or restaurants or skiing)
looks like for us!

First thing is first.
If we are going to stay home all week then I at least have to get a good, long hike in.
Sometimes it's a little muddy and snowy... but that doesn't stop me!

The boys are less interested in hiking...

... but Hamp did manage to get out one night to camp with just a few friends:

Otherwise we have been almost exclusively indoors,
save an hour here or there to shoot hoops with a buddy when the weather cooperates!

Sam has enjoyed some time to be creative...
including a very excellent marble run and even some baking (like bread, when we couldn't find any in the store!)

And I have enjoyed some dedicated jigsaw puzzle time!
Once any overdue house cleaning and laundry were done and the hike was in, it was hard to say no to a puzzle on the table... sometimes the best way to pass an afternoon.

Anxious to see how another week at home, with little entertainment or socialization has us all feeling.
I dare say any of us pick up a book? (boys might cry mutiny!)
Or maybe turn off the screens and enjoy a board game? (excessive eye rolling!)

All I know is if the weather keeps looking like this, it's going to be a loooooooong Q-week 2.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A prince, a talking fish, and god

Before everything got cancelled - there were 2 nights of entertainment from a great group of high school kids willing to be silly and ham it up for everyone's enjoyment!

I am so proud of Hamp for being a part of something fun and different - and even more proud of his performance.

He did a great job in all his roles - the handsome prince who falls in love (sort of) with Rapunzel; the talking frog that grants a wish; and the (off-stage) voice of God who admonishes the Devil...

I'm relatively sure he joined the cast for the same reasons he does just about anything - friends.
Being motivated by peers for the better isn't too bad at all... I just hope he finds a little personal fulfillment along the way! Given his big smiles throughout the show - I believe he does.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunny is my fave

Though the season got cut short by coronavirus, we managed several days at our favorite ski hill this winter.
The best part wasn't even the bloody mary's or powder days... it was friends to ski with!