Friday, May 22, 2020

A little Peace

I  wasn't in the market to add another creature to our household...
But Sam was putting on the pressure for a pet.
(He was asking for a hedgehog.)
Then our dear friends had a surprise litter of pups and the tides turned!
Mama "Liberty" (a German Shepherd) had 7 sweet little mix breed puppies and when we were introduced to this little girl, Sam got on the ball and made a 'presentation' on our whiteboard to convince me we needed her in our life:


4 weeks old
5 weeks old
7 weeks old

So now we have "Peace" in our lives!
She really is so sweet and the boys love her.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

good days

We have moved from "Safe at Home" to "Safer at Home" in the past 2-3 weeks and while our quarantine is officially relaxed a little, we are still pretty comfortable spending most of our time at home, and the rest of it close to home!

At home we still rest well, work hard, keep caught up on all social media and streaming programming, spend plenty of time in the hammock, and manage to be pretty happy together.

Close to home I still hike everyday and the boys get together with a few friends, plus on Mother's Day Sunday I took an inaugural paddle on the lake where social distancing was not only easy, but built in! (It's hard to get real close to anyone when you're in the middle of a lake.)

We are all also working to finish the school year strong. The boys both have one more week of work to complete and I still connect with staff and students regarding end of the school year stuff. After that we will slide right into summer mode with little change...