Top Dogs.
That's what they are this year - 8th grader and 5th grader.
Their last year in middle and elementary schools.
They were pretty psyched to begin this year - perhaps because we all were feeling that it was a long and fulfilling summer (see previous posts!) and we were all craving (either consciously or subconsciously) getting back into a routine.
So off we all went - into the new school year. Each of us again at our own buildings.
And on the very first day (the day of the solar eclipse!) it was almost like no time had passed at all since we were last headed to school in June. Which is good - it was easy.
There are only a few minor differences.... this fall Hamp will play football for the cowboys, instead of Club Soccer in Rifle. Sam has put piano lessons on hold to focus on the Jr. Musical and gymnastics! And to be honest - we are all operating on a new level of independence.
Right before the week started, I even let them kayak the river together - just the two of them. Outwardly, I was totally nonchalant about sending them down the river alone... but inwardly I was imagining all the horrors of them drowning or getting eaten by the legendary White River monster. Turns out, they did great and had the very best time. They are truly capable of doing so much on their own and it is equal parts unnerving and satisfying!
I am not sure if I have unintentionally backed off this summer, or if I am trying to foster their independence for all of our sakes (or if I simply haven't had time/energy to micro-manage their lives!!!) but regardless I am enjoying watching them blossom into good people.
The first week of school went great - and was capped off perfectly with a home Varsity football game in ideal end-of-summer weather. Not only was it a win for the Cowboys, but Hamp got to play with the pep band in the grand stands... the fight song never sounded so good!
It is so great to see them grow! It's going to be a good year...