In 14 years I have learned to appreciate the balance of sweet moments with trying times and to appreciate the difference between what I want Hamp to be and who he is.
January 24th
In 11 years I have learned that parenting is different for each child, for they each need different things from me and that one of the most important things to do as a parent is just stop and listen and pay attention to their world.
January 25th
It has been 3 years since Jason passed and while time heals wounds, living without him is still difficult on a daily basis. The hole he left is still gaping and he is constantly on my mind. I wonder every day whether I mention him enough or too much; whether the boys remember him well or think of him often. I fear the day his absence will manifest in some way a character flaw in either of them - and constantly try to prevent that from happening. I find myself still imagining him with us - his reaction to new songs or his pride at his sons' endeavors or his excitement for all the adventures we go on.
In 3 years I have learned that gratitude is not always an easy choice and that single parenting, whatever the circumstances, is difficult and that family (both biological and chosen) is what matters most.