Saturday, November 7, 2009


My boys have always loved to swing - since they could sit, they could swing and be happy for long, long minutes. It was, in fact a great day when Hamp learned to "pump" on his own and no longer needed the constant push. (although, he still enjoys a good "underdog"!)

As we were at the park earlier this week, I took a couple of pictures of the boys on the swings and I found myself feeling nostalgic in a "how many times have I taken pictures of these guys on swings?" kind of way. So I put a little retrospective together for mostly my, but perhaps also for your, enjoyment!

at 9 months old

then 3 years later...

and again at almost 4 years old

and then, last week at 5 and a half!

at 8 months old

then again a few months later

and last week, at 3 and a half!

November 2007

November 2009

1 comment:

  1. WHAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Miss and love you all!
