The pirates aboard the ship even got Hamp and friends to scrub the deck! (now why won't he do that for me at home??? Perhaps I should don an eye patch and bandana?)
Meanwhile... Sam overcame the scurrvy pirates, saved the damsel in distress and steered the boat to safe ground.
But the kids weren't the only ones having fun on the pirate ship! Check out the birthday boy - he doesn't just "walk the plank"... oh, no... he does a back flip!
But then there were more adventures happening just around the corner... Here we are for the adventure of OUR lifetime... something that we didn't even dream we could be doing prior to this past December! But low and behold, we are SCUBA certified and ready for our first real dive in fish-laden, Caribbean waters!
It was everything we hoped it would be... and so amazing to a part of an underwater world! Thanks to my brother for hanging with us beginners and making it a really awesome day!
a photo journal of two sweet boys - to benefit family and friends who don't get to see them often enough!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
This Time Last Week... Day 4
Georgetown, Grand Cayman
This is no April Fool... this time last week Hamp and Sam were having the adventure of a lifetime! Check out the pirate ship they boarded in Grand Cayman:
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