Monday, August 23, 2010

open house

School starts on Wednesday...
But first, we got to go to the big open house for the brand new elementary school!
In addition to the traditional open house activities such as finding your classroom, meeting your teacher, and seeing all your friends... we also got to try out the brand new sidewalks and road to the school:
There was a great picnic before the grand opening where Hamp was quick to find friends...
... and Sam was fine to just be in his own little world among the throngs of people.
Dad got to cut the ribbon...
... and we were off to Hamp's 1st grade classroom!
The best part of the new school is the state-of-the-art technology. Hamp's teacher already had their "smart board" up for the kids to play with!
(Now I know some of you in the big city might already have all this stuff available to you - but we're thrilled to have it out here in the boondocks!)
With the introduction of Meeker's 1st round-a-bout (traffic circle) the police were even there to teach the kids how to be safe when riding & walking to school ~ good to see Hamp was paying attention!
It was a wonderful debut of the new facilty and all the kids, parents and community members were on hand to celebrate... and of course, play on the new playground equipment!
Looks like it's going to be another fun-filled year!!!


  1. Looks like an awesome new school! Hope it is a GREAT year! Keep on postin'!

  2. We hope Hamp had a great first day of first grade! We miss y'all so much! Loved the post and all the pics of the new school! And WOW... smart boards! We only have a few at our school, not in all the classrooms yet! Y'all are LUCKY DUCKS!
    Love you!
    and and crew
