Monday, March 12, 2012


What a great weekend!
We hosted dinner with friends & kids & dogs on Friday night...
Enjoyed warm weather and the park on Saturday morning...
Celebrated with friends & kids & dogs on Saturday night...
and had yet another super ski day on Sunday!

There are many more pictures and videos (!) from skiing on Sunday, but I have to quickly report on a major milestone met by Hamp and Sam on the mountain:
their first unaccompanied run together!

Sam has figured out how to get off the chair lift without help, so with a little boost from the operator to get on the chair lift, he was ready to take a run by himself!
(well, with his big brother, anyway!)
No doubt I was extremely relieved to see their little bodies cresting the last hill toward the lodge where I was anxiously waiting their return... 
... and once I saw them and knew they were ok, I was totally fine with them zooming right past me and back onto the chair lift for another run together!
I think they enjoyed their new found freedom (skiing without mom!
and their new adventure together!

I can't wait to show you much more... until then, Happy Monday!


  1. Heart be still!!! What a "freeze frame" moment;-D I'm so proud of our BIG BOYS!

  2. Would've loved to have heard their conversation as they went up the lift together for the first time!!! AWESOME!

  3. I definitely need you in my life! I am so paranoid I think I would secretly follow Allen Jess until the age of 18!!! By the time Allen is ready, Sammy will be the "big" cousin to go up with him! I think Hamp might be "too cool" to take his little cousin up at that point :) What a major achievement!
