Friday, April 27, 2012

50 Shades of Gray

Sorry, for those you expecting to find a steamy review or titillating photo re-enactment of the latest, hottest book trilogy, you are about to be sorely disappointed.

This is, in fact about the actual color gray. And my kitchen.
my kitchen
The only steam is from me boiling water for ramen noodles.
And unlike E.L. James' novels, my kitchen (for now!) is very, very clean!

No, this post is about how I finally got to paint my kitchen gray - the nice, calm, neutral color I was hoping for! It involved a lot of advice and input from friends and family to get where I needed to be with this color and in the end, it came down to compromise. 
And I am putting this in writing:

I was wrong. My husband was right.
Gray would NOT have looked right in the living room.

That being said, I am so happy that it is in my kitchen, grateful that I didn't listen to all my friends & family who told me not to ask my husband and just go ahead and paint it anyway (!), and pleased that it turned out very nice indeed.

Now, we have to decide on the color for the living room....


  1. I love the "crisp" and clean look the gray gives! I am amazed at what just a little bit of color contrast will do!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS! I LOVE the gray! We painted our kitchen gray last year and I ADORE it! Infact, we did most of our main living area in the same color. It is so clean and crisp and cool! Gives our traditional home a little bit of a modern touch! Your kitchen looks fantastic! Great job Moo! :)

  3. By the way, I just finished those books... MOMMY PORN for sure! hee hee!

  4. Fine, he was right- whatever! I'll still say- do first and ask for forgiveness later. (however, with white trim I still say yes, but a darker shade...) Once you find a lovely shade to go with wood trim, let me know, as my living room needs a makeover too.
