Monday, November 4, 2013

A happy Halloween

Our town had a great Halloween holiday - sure it was pretty chilly, but at least there wasn't snow!
The downtown festivities began around 4:30 with a costume parade & contest, trick-or-treating on the courthouse lawn, free hot chocolate and games.
Of course, the boys immediately hooked up with their "pack" and were not seen again until after dark. In the meantime, Jason and I went home to hand out candy and have a nice quiet dinner!
The boys came home with lots of stories and even more candy... so as we come down off the holiday sugar high, he's to hoping we find some more mellow adventures!

which one is the real panda?!?!

The "army guy" and the panda bear


  1. Sammy looks too frickin' cute and Hamp creeps me out... good job on the costumes! I don't think I would have recognized them if they knocked on my door! ~ Aunt Jei

  2. AWESOME costumes! It was tricky picking out the real panda! ;)
    Love those treat bags too!
