Sunday, November 17, 2013


Friday and Saturday found us all enjoying a little local musical theater - thanks to the Rec Center Youth Drama production of Alice in Wonderland Jr.

We were so excited that Hamp wanted to perform again - the show is always something to be proud of and the performers always learn so much and have so much fun!

Alice in Wonderland Jr. is an ideal adaptation of a great story... and what a perfect show for a bunch of 3rd-8th graders what with all the crazy characters!!!

Speaking of crazy characters, Hamp was cast as a section of the Caterpillar... a role which we first assumed was typecasting (last year part of a group of mischievous monkeys, this year part of a mischievous caterpillar?!?! hmmm...) but as rehearsal progressed we were assured that the caterpillar body was more than just a gimmick. And Hamp & co. did NOT disappoint!
The Head of the Caterpillar was a fantastic performer and singer - then the boys followed suit!
Hamp is second in line... we refer to him as the belly button! ☺

The costumes, the music, the singing and the set were all absolutely wonderful.
Everyone had a great show, especially Hamp!
I managed to hit the highlights of his performance in a little 6-minute video, including the opening act, his musical number, his wardrobe malfunction (!) and the finale:

the Caterpillar body!
Great job, boys...

Monday, November 11, 2013


Sam has been anxious about losing his first tooth.... 
So he was pretty excited when not just one - but both bottom teeth started to wiggle!

Last Sunday we went out for breakfast and with little to no pomp or circumstance, Sam pulled out his first tooth!!! Oh the talk turned to tooth fairies and growing up and we wrapped the little bitty tooth in a napkin and headed home.

Well, Sam must have really gotten excited about the new gap behind his lower lip... because at the Episcopal Church Thanksgiving Charity dinner later that same day he yanked out the other bottom tooth! He now had a pair....

Consequently, the tooth fairy did pay Sam a visit Sunday night and left two gold dollar coins under his pillow... and I would make some silly comment about how all he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth, but I believe by then his adult teeth will already be in place! Guess it was time...

Monday, November 4, 2013

A happy Halloween

Our town had a great Halloween holiday - sure it was pretty chilly, but at least there wasn't snow!
The downtown festivities began around 4:30 with a costume parade & contest, trick-or-treating on the courthouse lawn, free hot chocolate and games.
Of course, the boys immediately hooked up with their "pack" and were not seen again until after dark. In the meantime, Jason and I went home to hand out candy and have a nice quiet dinner!
The boys came home with lots of stories and even more candy... so as we come down off the holiday sugar high, he's to hoping we find some more mellow adventures!

which one is the real panda?!?!

The "army guy" and the panda bear