Saturday, February 25, 2017


For a long weekend we were able to get away to Southern California to visit family - including the newest member of the Etheridge clan:
Jenavieve Marie
(born February 8th)

It was so good to all be together. We only had three days... but it was just enough to spend a day at my brother's home playing games and visiting and hugging on my nephews and new niece!

And it was just enough to spend a day watching the four boys have a grand time at Legoland, building and laughing and riding rollercoasters!

And it was just enough to spend a whole day digging in the sand, jumping (cold) waves, playing on the beach and relaxing in the sun!

Most importantly, it was barely enough to spend time as a family.
And while our extended family is precious and fulfilling, it was pretty special to have a brief moment where my original family had time for a sunset selfie!

Three long days went by quickly, but we savored every moment cuddling sweet, new Jena; hugging and playing with cousins and Aunt & Uncle and grandparents; good, long conversations that simply don't happen over the phone; and for me, morning coffee & crossword in the San Diego sunshine!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Celebrating Hamp

We finally got a day to fulfill Hamp's birthday wish = a day at The Barn at Woodward in Copper Mountain. He had been talking about this indoor skate park and training center for months, but I still had no idea what to expect. Well wasn't I pleasantly surprised at just how awesome this place was indeed! I was also impressed with how excellently these four boys shredded the whole park!
(picked up a little lingo as the chaperone... shred = skate well)

Even better than the "shredding" was the fun that we all had that day - and everyday with Hamp in our lives. Now that he is officially a teenager, I try to respect his burgeoning maturity and allow him to be his true self. It's an incredibly blurry and wild space for us both - him as a 13-year old boy and me as his mother! But we are figuring out how to grow together and I am learning to love our relationship. He is still not much of a talker (definitely doesn't take after his father on that one!) but when he does I try to really listen. He still loves sports and skiing and friends and being outside - but as his time with Playmobil and Legos wanes, I find his time spent on the Xbox or on Instagram or Youtube fills the void. He has become particularly adept at binge-watching on Netflix! But when he's not 'on a screen' he is still funny and clever and sweet. And a little silly: