Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Winter fun

Another great season of playing in the snow is in the books!
We managed to squeeze in half a dozen ski days at Sunlight this winter - not too shabby given both boys' basketball schedules and my overall exhaustion level. While a couple of those days were just the three of us, the best part is always skiing with friends!

a whole gaggle of Meeker boys on the mountain!

My favorite part of ski days at Sunlight?
Blue skies, fresh groomers, and a bloody mary on the deck!

When we weren't hauling off to the ski mountain, we managed to get up into the forest and play in the snow. A seasonal standard is the Marvine trail that ends at the yurt, a community snow hut and perfect snow shoe destination! While taking the whole crew is always fun, sometimes we enjoyed a hike up with just the mommas & the dogs!

my favorite snow shoeing partner!

My favorite part of hiking up Marvine?
Blue skies, fresh tracks, and champagne in the snow!

As much as I truly love my winter fun in the snow....
I am really starting to look forward to warmer weather!

1 comment:

  1. HA, I was just beginning to want to join you on your adventures...until I saw that look of desperation in your face! I think you might be at the beach as I write. Hope so! I'll be there next week.
