Tuesday, November 17, 2020


This year's football season has been a surprise in so many ways.... 

photo credit: Bobby Gutierrez

We weren't even sure it was going to happen at all - right up until it did! And even though the sudden season was shorter and later than normal, it has been really great for Hamp and John-Jefferson.

First of all, I am so proud of John-Jefferson for joining the team. He had never played American football before now and he was enthusiastic and eager to learn - and I think he enjoyed it!

I am also immensely proud of how Hamp took John-Jefferson under his wing and helped him feel comfortable with a new sport. He mentored him on all the important aspects of the training: from how to fit a helmet & pads to playing Madden on the xbox with the team at school every week before the game!

I was impressed by how much better Hamp played this year... he is much bigger and stronger than he was last year and seems a little more comfortable being aggressive on the field.  It has been so fun to watch him kick again this year - many great kickoffs and even a few opportunities to get the ball between the goal posts! 
The real surprise was him getting to play defensive line in the last game of the season... and making some really great plays!
photo credits for above action shots: Tiffany Jehorek (thank you!) 

Here's a 2 minute highlight of an extra point, a kick off, and a couple pretty awesome tackles!

I even surprised myself this year - making a couple of Junior Varsity away games where both boys got lots of playing time and great experience.... and I got some great views and maybe some frostbite!

I really shouldn't say I'm surprised at how great these boys are.... they show me every day how funny and hard-working and responsible they are. And I just feel pretty lucky that I get to be there for them... and watch them play!

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