Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tee ball

Sam's baseball season was short (even shorter for him since we took off a week to go to Callaway!) but certainly sweet!  

Turns out, 5 & 6 year old Tee Ball is all about learning basic skills - it's a no-score, everyone gets to hit and run kind of experience. So Sam got some great practice at throwing and catching, and always made a good hit off the tee!  

I was particularly proud at how aggressive he was on the field. He went after the ball every time, and played hard - it was fun to watch! Having watched his older brother play ball in June, he must have learned a little bit about the game because he always knew which direction to run (first base!) and where to throw the ball... turns out he was a great little ball player!

1 comment:

  1. I love how he ever so gently lays his bat down on the grass after getting a hit! That is soooo Sammy! Super Cute!!!
