Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mile 3: the wind in your hair

We have hit the half-way milemarker on the chemo/radiation road trip!

Last week was another exciting week on the rehab floor - still working to get full use of his left side back, Jason works hard with his therapists, jokes easily with his nurses, and laughs well with everyone he talks to.

He continues to have a steady stream of visitors, either passers-by or dedicated drop-ins.

One of the big events last week (the beginning of week 3 of radiation) was that his hair started to fall out!
The doctor told us early on that radiation would create some bald patches... and so to avoid looking mangy the doc suggested just shaving it all off (or at least really short)!

So that is exactly what he did:
Jason's "new do" means you can actually see his scar!
Some folks have already contributed to the cause by bringing various distinguished head coverings so that Jason won't feel quite so conspicuous:

And while I stole away to Meeker for the weekend to check on the house, be with the boys, collect the mail, walk the dog, visit with friends, and watch Hamp's baseball game (Go Beavers!)...
Jason got to spend the weekend with his mom & dad.
I think it was exactly what everyone needed.

I took a moment to ponder just how far he'd come since the early days (4 weeks ago) of physical therapy...
and realized that when you piece together snippets of all the training we've managed to capture on video it becomes wonderfully evident of just how much progress has been made:

Speaking of progress... I almost forgot to mention that we are being discharged from the hospital this Friday and are spending the weekend AT HOME!!!!
Looks like mile 4 will be a good one...


  1. So wonderful to see your progress Jason, you go man! Behind you all the way.

  2. WOW!!! That is sooooo awesome! (The video... not the new hairdo!) =)

  3. That is HUGE news! So happy to think of you all together at home!! I love the visor with hair, it is a great look for him. HUGS!

  4. Love hearing about the progress and seeing the excellent walking! Ok, he looks like a new marine with that haircut, but his marvelous hair will come back for sure! Sending great love and many prayers from Knoxville.

  5. Um, I thought the visor was his normal hair at first...

    GREAT progress on the walking and stair climbing Jason!! I'll get you back out on a mountain bike yet. Mary's Loop in Fruita again?

  6. Hmm... "What's next?" you ask? Let's just thank God ski season is over!!! I am SO proud of Jason and his strength. Positive attitude is a choice and am envious of his endless supply! Love you! ~ Jei

  7. Given your love of running, I see a half marathon in your future. Oh, wait, that's me. Never mind. Stick with the Red Robin onion rings.

    Lots of love to all of y'all (even though I haven't actually met the wife and kids).

  8. OH my gosh, that was awesome! You're doing it, Jaybo!!!!

  9. I’ve watched the video, and it’s good to see that he is progressing well in his recovery. With this, there’s no doubt that he’ll be fully recovered in no time. And in my opinion, letting him stay at home for the whole weekend is very helpful for him. Thankfully the hospital allowed him to do so. How is he, btw?

    Derek Sparks @ Forgey Chiropractic

  10. Jason, I thought I posted earlier but when I hit publish it all went away. Hopefully I am not sending a duplicate. This is Paul Osborne from Atlanta. I just finished reading the blog and watching all the videos. Lalah and I reconnected just the other day and she directed me to this blog. You obviously have the most amazing family in the world, if not beyond. It's clear how much your family and friends love you which doesn't surprise me a bit. You deserve every ounce of it and more. Your presence in my life made a deep impact. I don't know if I ever told you how much, but it did. I will continue to follow the blog and send loving thoughts, deep prayers, and bouquets of blessings your way. Much love, Paul
