Friday, April 4, 2014

I can't drive 55

This has been a week of serious rehabilitation for Jason.

While we anxiously await the start of chemo/radiation therapy next week, the focus is now on re-forming all the neurological connections that were lost in the surgery - specifically the use of his left side!

Everyday consists of 3 hours of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy (although his actual speech is pretty clear, the therapy focuses on vision and fine motor skills).
His therapists are wonderful. I mean, patient as saints.
And they are working Jason over! (which might make some people smile...)

Although therapy is so far quite successful, it is also very incremental and success is rated in little, baby steps. And though he still has good humor about his current limitations, it turns out he does not have the patience for the small successes...

Nearly everyone on the rehab unit is a fall risk.
But when you are stubborn and impatient and assume that just because you have had 2 days of good physical therapy that you can hop up out of a wheelchair and plop into bed because you are tired...
well let's just say that Jason's new goal is to always call a nurse or therapist for help moving!

So while I was lacking empathy for his poor choices and new restraint system, his parents were on their way from Tennessee to come see their boy!

I am grateful for so much lately... but especially for these two folks who naturally wanted to be here and stay with Jason to keep him company and be a part of his healing.

And even though Jason can't get out of bed without the alarm going off now, when he does get help he puts that can-do-it attitude and strength of spirit to good use:
(credit Papa for sending me the video! It made my day... )

We all want to speed through this long stretch of highway, but apparently we are going to have to slow down and appreciate the scenery along the way!


  1. HUGS! Thanks for keeping us all updated. Baby steps are still going in the forward direction and that is great!

  2. This is Jason's college roommate. I JUST found out about this. I had a brain tumor removed 6 weeks ago so I can definitely relate to what my roomdog is going through. Can you email me (or anyone else) an address that I can send Jason a care package? My email is Sending love and healing thoughts to him and the family!!

  3. I love your spirit. It comforts ME. You guys are amazing. Praying for all of you

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I knew Jason at Furman. You may call him "Bozo" but I always called him "Pinhead" (and always will). So give Pinhead a hug and kiss (and a big "FU all the time") from Lizard.

  5. Hang in there, I know how annoying can get not to be able to use your body, but remember God is amazing! and He will heal you so you can get back to do what you love! For I know the thoughts I think towards you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.Jeremiah 29:11
