Monday, April 13, 2020

Q - week 4

We are at a point where we are seeking different ways to entertain ourselves.
I am at a point where I am pretty amenable to any reasonable requests:

Can we build a fire pit in the backyard?
Can we have a fire and make s'mores?
Do s'mores count as dinner?

Can we put up the tent in the back yard?
Can we sleep in it overnight?

Can I have bloody marys for breakfast on Easter Sunday?

Sunday was quite pleasant as we ventured up to my folks' house for brunch and an egg hunt! Even though they are still self-quarantining at the beach in Florida, it was nice just to check on the empty house and have a little change of scenery! The boys didn't stay long after the eggs were found and the bacon was gone... but I lingered to finish my aforementioned breakfast and read my book. As I was settling in to a cozy nap, I was startled to hear police sirens throughout the whole neighborhood. At first frightening, I was soon reassured and even delighted at the sight of the Easter Bunny being chauffeured around town in the back of the Sheriff's truck to wave at children in their homes. Now, I can only come up with 3 reasons why this sight brought me to tears:
1) I had been awoken from a nap
2) I had enjoyed 2 bloody marys for breakfast
3) the thought that someone realized that our community was not immune from feelings of isolation and disconnectedness at the hands of this global situation and even though the beloved traditional community Easter egg hunt (along with everything else) was cancelled this year, someone figured if the Easter Bunny made its way through town to wave at everyone it might lift spirits and remind people that we are all still in this together...

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