Sunday, May 2, 2010


Ahhhh, springtime in Colorado...
Yes, it is May 2nd and here is our backyard this morning:
Of course, the boys were excited! Sammy wanted to go sledding (not quite enough snow for that, thank goodness!) and Hamp wanted to shovel the driveway!
That's the nice thing about being six - the fact that is it 35 degrees with 3 inches of snow on the ground in MAY doesn't even phase him... then again, it doesn't really bother me, either! I know that this time tomorrow, it'll be 55 degrees and sunny and we'll be in shorts...!


  1.'s 90 degrees here...could be swimming in the pool...just saying ;-O Hope all of your yardwork wasn't done in vain!

  2. Yup...we too were in the pool today! 90-something and only May! I think we are in for a HOT summer!

    Keep the pictures of those CUTE boys coming! :)

  3. Wow, that was a lot of snow if it made the trees WHITE! It's definitely BBQ weather here in SoCal, just no one to BBQ with since Alec went to work today :-( Must be entertaining to play the guessing game when you go to bed though: Sun or Snow tomorrow?
    Love ya!
