Monday, May 3, 2010

yes, springtime!

Ha! These pictures were taken last night before dinner...
... granted, it's no 90 degrees... and it's not even really BBQ weather (but thanks anyway for rubbing it in, my commenting friends!) But it was warm enough to melt all the snow so the boys could ride bikes! Check out Sam's new ride - last week he was "Fred Flintstone-ing" it on his tricycle and said he would rather have a bike. Specifically, a purple bike! Well, his 5-year old buddy Miss Ruby happened to be handing this one down and thought Sam should have it! Sam is thrilled - He pushes the peddles and everything... oh, and he loves the basket for his baby to ride in!


  1. Was totally not rubbing it actually jealous of your weather! :)

  2. Really? A purple bike with a white basket in front??? Oh I bet Taylor is rubbing this one in Jason's face!

  3. We have a very cool GREEN boy bike we would love to hand down to Sam!!! hee hee! :)

    Trey and Ambry
