Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Our Thanksgiving week adventures were plentiful - and we were fortunate enough to share them with family!
I took so many moments throughout the week to feel grateful for all I had 
- health, family, food, work
but there were many specific reasons to be thankful this year....

I am thankful for my new nephew...
for being such a sweet, happy baby who sleeps well and travels well and eats well and lets his crazy cousins fawn all over him and get right in his face!

I am thankful for my sister-in-law...
for being such a good mother and aunt; for sitting all day at Steamboat patiently waiting for the rest of us to get our fill of the slopes; for helping Sammy play Apples To Apples(!); for helping me trim the tree and make my Christmas card; and for just being fun to be with!
I am thankful for my brother...
for driving his family 12 hours and 2 days (one-way!) out to see us; for bringing dessert; for getting our lift tickets; and most of all for playing with the boys and making them laugh!

I am thankful for my Dad...
for coming out to visit and bringing great new Georgia Tech gear for the boys to wear on game day (and for being a good sport on game day!); for indulging Hamp in a football game every time he asks; for staying up every night to play games (except the first night when he had to skip out on a rousing game of Headbandz!); and for taking us out to dinner!

I am thankful for my Mom...
for sending the turkey and the ham; for caring and holding and loving and entertaining all three grandsons; for helping me around the house with cleaning and decorating, and for being so easy and fun to be around!

I am thankful for my husband...
for hosting Thanksgiving this year; for skiing with his sons; for being our great tree hunter; and most of all for being so good to me and my family!

I am thankful for my sons...
for being funny, happy, sweet, adventurous, thoughtful and respectful little boys who love to play and laugh and who love their puppy and their family! ♥

I have so much to be thankful for... and I hope that I can remember year round to be full of gratitude for all of our adventures!


  1. OMG...My heart runneth over!!!

  2. I am thankful to have a friend like you!!!!!!!!!
    What a special post!
    You are amazing Moo and have such a wonderful family!
    Love to all the Etheridge/Hightowers!!!

  3. i am thankful for this post! wow. sam looks so DIFFERENT since i saw him this summer, such a little boy. i just love love love this post and your family so much... hugs, ali

  4. Dude... AWESOME!!! Looks like all I'll have to do on our blog is to just put a link to yours! Well done Aunt Moo! Love it!!!
