Monday, November 14, 2011

teacher appreciation

So what does Sam do on a cold & cloudy Sunday afternoon when Dad's at the office and brother's at a birthday party?
He plays school!

It was so fun to watch him set up his "classroom" - all his plush animals were the students and he insisted his name was "Sage Brush Park" (don't ask... I have no idea!)

ready for a conference!

Each of his students made a drawing and he placed them in their "cubby".

Then he sat at the table and held parent-teacher conferences!

Some of my favorite quotes from the adventure:
"Teachers work hard."
"I have so much work to do, that's why I have to stay up late."
"How do teachers ever go to the potty?"

Just goes to show that he must appreciates what he experiences every day in pre-school! 

1 comment:

  1. What a creative and WISE little guy! Sammy hit the nail on the head with his teacher observations!!! The cubbies are my favorite... SO neatly done! :)
