Thursday, March 27, 2014

A new route

Another update on both Jason's recovery and the boys' spring break adventures!!!

It feels like we picked up a new map yesterday for our journey... after talking to friends, experts, family and definitely the neurosurgeon, radiologist and physiologist, Jason decided that he would continue treatment at St. Mary's in Grand Junction including rehab (for the paralysis), radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

The next month will be one of major readjustment as he works to get full mobility of his left side back and undergoes therapy... and as he will be away from home a lot!

Though this "map" does not show all the road blocks along the way, nor does it show the final destination very clearly, it at least gets us somewhere. We are anxious to make progress away from having a malignant brain tumor and toward a new kind of normal!

In the mean time - the boys had an amazing last day in Moab - biking and playing in the sand mountain! I can never repay the debt of gratitude that I have for my friends who took care of these dirty rascals and kept them in smiles all week! The pictures sustained me...


  1. That last picture is my very favorite of all time ever!!! "Thumb's up!" as you guys BEAT this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!

  2. Agreed, love that picture! And happy to hear about moving forward.

    1. Great great pictures. Will continue to keep Jason in my prayers for a speedy recovery and a swift kick in cancer's a$$

  3. The pictures themselves can bring up anyones spirits! My dad used to say, that when we are sad, a little angel will always bring you up! Love your two little angels! Now, lets all Follow the Yellow Brick road! We're with you all the way!
