Monday, March 10, 2014

here's your sign

We received a surprise in the post this week.

The letter attached said something to the effect of:
"when I saw this I thought of you"

I'm sure I have no idea what that means!!!

Oh... who am I kidding?!
We LOVE our new sign... it's a wonderful daily reminder of just how funny we all are!
(and a nice warning to new people that happen to stop over)

Thank you Uncle Alec & Aunt Jei!
I'm just glad you thought of us.


  1. Hah!!! Love it! I just knew it would look a lot better in your house than in ours! Glad you like... and wouldn't want any one of you to be anywhere near "normal"... or whatever that might mean. =)

  2. NORMAL is sooooo overrated ;-D
