Monday, March 31, 2014

Cruisin' right along

So in the course of just 5 days Jason has gone from this (1-day post op in ICU):

To this (3-days post op in the neuro recovery unit):

To this (5-days post op in the rehab unit):

The surgery has healed so well and we are currently navigating the rehabilitative journey together. While speech, hand-eye coordination, and muscle coordination are still a big challenge, we have spent the past weekend being incredibly uplifted by friends, family and neighbors.

To think about how much others are sacrificing to take care of our family's needs is overwhelming:
-  Our pantry/fridge/freezer is full. 
-  Our yard is clean and raked. 
-  The boys' movie rental this weekend was free!
-  There have been homemade cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit, banana bread, treats and cards all left at the house by people who care.
-  I have a wallet FULL of gift cards for everything from coffee to dinner!
-  There are gift baskets in our hospital room that are full of fruit and snacks to keep us (and our visitors!) happy.

Speaking of visitors, that has been the real sustaining factor for both Jason and for me. Anyone who has been passing through town has stopped by... but so many others have made special trips just to say hi. If you know Jason, then you are aware of his social nature - so seeing his friends and hearing their voices has been crucial to his recovery (and his sanity!). 

Side note: Jason is particularly appreciative of a couple of special items that he has enjoyed:

When the hospital only offered vanilla or chocolate pudding... one buddy made sure to send some butterscotch down.

And when the only consistent request Jason has had since surgery was for a certain locally brewed beer (Dirty Hippie from the Palisade Brewing Co.) he did finally get what he wanted... only to have the doctor suggest it wasn't the best substance for neurological recovery!!!

But perhaps the best visitor he has had to date?


  1. Mand- Thanks so much for posting the pictures and updates!!! It's so nice to hear and see you all. I'm so thankful you have such amazing friends and family! It's heartwarming to hear how they're taking care of you! Love you sooooo much!!!

  2. Looking good! But beer and butterscotch for breakfast?

  3. Nothing better for the soul than a dog buddy....especially Gabe :)

  4. I will agree that Gabe was for sure Jason's favorite visitor! As for all you have received, GIVE and you shall RECIEVE is your motto! Both you Mandi and Jason are such GIVERS in your community, that people are responding to all that LOVE you give every single day thru your jobs. I am NOT surprised at all! I also want to thank you soo much for keeping us updated on Jason's health, it makes it less stressful for us who cannot be there with you along your journey, but who are with you all the way in SPIRIT! Many BLESSINGS your way, love you all.

  5. Hey, I'm coming to paint your toe nails purple and green, Brother!!!
