Monday, January 10, 2011

ski day!

What a great way to spend a Sunday - on the slopes with friends!!!
(don't be fooled by Hamp's expression... he was just as excited as the rest of us!)
There were several friends at the mountain on Sunday which meant there was always someone to ski with or hang out with at the lodge. And eventhough it snowed all day, everybody had a great day!
Here's a shot I got of me riding the lift with my boys:

It's so great having both boys going down the mountain - and so neat to see them skiing together! Here's a great shot of Sam's idea to play follow-the-leader... namely, Hamp!
I was only slightly concerned when Hamp decided to take his leadership role seriously and directed his little brother through a stand of trees... but it was no problem at all for the fearless new skiier (in fact, I was the least comfortable of probably all of us!)

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