Monday, May 21, 2012

a one-ring circus

no... this is not a post about my house!
(otherwise it would have definitely been titled at least a two-ring circus!)

Seriously, the Carson & Barnes Circus landed in Meeker last week for a one night engagement and we were pretty excited to see it - and were NOT disappointed!

It was a very traditional circus: acrobats, clowns, great costumes, elephants, camels, dog & pony tricks, flying trapeze... and of course peanuts and cotton candy!

The highlights:

During intermission, Hamp found his buddies and snagged a photo-op with the circus python.

For the opening parade, Jason and I got to ride in on an elephant!!!!! (still waiting on that picture!)
One of the very neat things that the circus did the day they pulled into town was invite the elementary school students to all come see the big top tent go up! While the students were all there, they learned all about the 3 resident circus elephants and got to ask all kinds of interesting questions about circus life... in fact, the collective group of moms I know are all taking bets on which one of our kids is going to run off to join!

Possibly the best part of the day = a tug-of-war between the teachers and Rosie, the elephant!
That's Principal Hightower right in front - pulling SO hard! (maybe they'll win?!)
There's the other end of the rope... hmmm, this could go either way!
Whoa! Looks like Rosie is going to pull it out folks!
What's that? You want a better shot of the Principal being dragged by an elephant???

All in good fun... and good times had by all!

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