Sunday, January 3, 2021


This Christmas did not go as planned... that's what I get for trying to plan something during an ongoing pandemic!

We were supposed to meet cousins & grandparents at the beach for a pre-Christmas getaway. Then covid continued to be a serious concern and everyone preferred to stay separated - wisely so.

However, my crew preferred to travel and I still had a big condo at the beach rented. So we took the opportunity to invite the boys' friends on a 3-day holiday getaway to the Gulf Coast.

It was as safe as we could imagine - airports and plane trips were sterile and compliant, people were respectful and masked, and the beach was veritably vacant! Social distancing at its best....

So for a few days these 6 boys played in the sand, numbed themselves to the cold waters, warmed up in the pool and relaxed on the balcony - forgetting about single digit temps back home and enjoying a little change of scenery....

My favorite moment of the trip? 
Coming up from the beach to find this:

All six of these teenage boys were unplugged - even if just for an afternoon!

While we miss our family desperately and can't wait until it's safe to all be together again, I am happy that I had this once-in-a-lifetime chance to show these boys how wonderful beach living can be...

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