Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dr. Seuss's Birthday!

Remember these guys from a few weeks back:
Well they made a more appropriate appearance at the after school party for
Dr. Seuss's 107th birthday party!
Meeker Elementary School has an excellent librarian that loves to do fun things with kids and books - and this event was no exception...

There was musical entertainment from our fabulous friends - they did some fun songs from Free To Be You & Me, the Muppet Movie and of course, Seussical! (and they were awesome!)
And then some crazy lady did a dramatic reading of Green Eggs and Ham!
Finally, the 4th & 5th graders did a marimba concert - and they were amazing! Seriously, they played several numbers, all memorized with complicated rhythms and great melodies! Hamp was not too impressed, but at least he paid attention while flanked by his best buddies!
And the best part - when the whole thing was over they got to finish off my "green eggs and ham" (lime jell-o!)
Great mid-week fun!!!


  1. Can she read it dressed in black?
    Can she put it in a sack?
    Can she read it to her fellow?
    Read it! Read it! With lime jello!

    You just won... MOM OF THE YEAR!
    Love u!

  2. Looks like sooooo much fun...just wish I had been there!!!
