Saturday, March 5, 2011

photo op

Hamp had one of his favorite friends over Friday afterschool - and I took the opportunity to use these sweet little faces to play with my camera!
Thanks to my favorite friend and photographer I got a few tips... the best of which is:
read your manual.
The second best tip though seems more practical for me:
just keep pushing buttons and see what happens! (I'm paraphrasing)

So, out of several dozen out-of-focus random shots, this one turned out perfect...
thanks to my gorgeous models!!!


  1. This one should definitely go in the Senior Year folder ;-D

  2. Their freckles are so sweet!

    Did you get a new camera Mand?
    What kind?
    Can't wait to see all the photos you take!

  3. LOVE this!!!

    1. read your manual
    2. if you like how your shot turned out, write down how you did it (iso + shutter speed + aperture) so you can try it again in different situations
    3. practice, practice, practice
